Friday, December 11, 2009

Gearing up...

...for weigh in...and Christmas party!

Yes I have my weigh in tomorrow. I'm hoping to maintain or have a slight loss from last week. Seeing as how often I ate out this week, I'll be happy with anything but a gain. I think I've done more than my fair share of time at the gym this week. As this is Friday, I did go to the gym tonight after dinner to get in my last chance workout. Here is my Activity Accountability Chart for today.
Date Dec 11th
Activity SC&E & Weights
Duration 1hour, 44min, 11sec
Time in Zone 1hour, 23min 11 sec
Avg Heart Rate 126bpm
Max Heart Rate 148 bpm
Calories 1290

I did take the dog for a walk today, but it was a very leisurely walk so I'm not counting it towards my activity for today.

I've spent my last official day on holidays getting ready for our Christmas party. My husband and I host one every year and it sounds like this will be a really good one, we're expecting a lot of people here throughout the evening so I hope it all goes off without a hitch. I spent the day cooking, I've made Cheese puffs, a Cheese ball, turkey balls, and devilled eggs. I'll do the rest tomorrow. This year I wanted to stay pretty healthy so I'm doing a huge Veggie platter with two different types of dips as well as a fruit platter. I fully realize not everyone is watching what they eat so I am making a chocolate fondue for the fruit to be dipped in. I've never done this before so I'm hoping it will work out all right. I'm looking forward to having a houseful of friends and family here to celebrate the season.

I will also attempt to get some activity in tomorrow morning. I'm not making any promises as I still have a fair amount to do to get ready for the party. I also have to borrow some one's vacuum cleaner. Ours died a very stinky death this evening so I'll call around in the morning, and see if my neighbors can lend me theirs. Otherwise I will have to go over to my parents and steal theirs. I also have a birthday party to go to. One of my best friend's daughter is having her 3rd birthday party tomorrow so we will pop over there to see them and give her, hopefully, a great birthday present. Then we'll have to hustle back over here to finish up for our own Shindig. I'm really looking forward to it! Have a super weekend!

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