Saturday, April 24, 2010

Weekly Weigh in.... is weigh in day today! I have to tell you, I was excited about it, I know that I've been really good with my points this week. I know that I haven't gotten a lot of activity in due to the blister on the bottom of my foot, but I did get out and move. I walked the dog a few times, I danced around the living room with my hubby. I moved this body of mine and it paid off!!!

I am down 2.2 pounds today.

I am HAPPY about that.

I am HAPPY that I am back on track.

I am HAPPY that it is Saturday!

I am happy with the progress that I have made with my life.

I am actually so happy with it that I'm ready to share my first before and after pictures with you. You see this journey for me actually started in 2004.

In December of 2003, my sister took my mother and I over to Victoria to celebrate my birthday. I had never been over to the Island before and this was my very first trip. When we got home, my sister sent me the pictures, and one particular picture was of my mom and I standing at the car in the ferry line up. For the first time in my life I realized I had a problem. At first glance I didn't realize that it was me. I didn't recognize myself. It was then that I realized how heavy I was and it terrified me. In January 2003 I joined my first gym ever and I joined weight watchers and started on my weight loss journey. There's been a lot of bumps in the road in the past few years. My car accident five years ago set me back huge. I was in physio for over a year, however, in June of 2009, I decided to get my crap together and get back on the weight loss journey.

So here it is....the picture that started my journey so many years ago.

And this is where I am now, this was taken at lunch time on day two of the Weekend to End Women's cancers in Vancouver, I was 48km's into the walk, and danged proud of myself.

Now some of you may be saying, but Katie you're still really heavy. I am, I readily admit I am still heavy, but I can't help to wonder how much heavier I would be if I hadn't done something then, if I hadn't taken charge of my life. Of my weight. Yes I am heavy. I still have somehwere around 90 pounds to lose. BUT, I'm here, I'm alive! I don't know if I could say the same for the Katie in the first picture.

I am HAPPY to be here!

1 comment:

  1. Katie you're really amazing!

    I can really see such a great difference between both pictures. Keep on keeping on!
